Monday, July 9, 2007

Another one bites the dust...

Ok, update on the last post. As of then my count for NES games was out by one. I left out Faxanadu by mistake. So the count was actualy 19. With the addition of two more games that brings the NES count up to 21. The new titles are: Street Fighter 2010, and Archon. As for the count of SNES games the count climbs to 8 with the addition of Ultraman.

Finaly saw the movie Speed from begining to end this weekend. I really don't know why some people think this movie sucked so bad... The only major problem i had with it was the blatant defiance of the laws of gravity. Like the bus jumping the huge gap in the freeway. And then there was the issue of sandra bullock's character handling the bus like it was a stock car and she was tom petty. Other than that it was decent and a bit fun.

Oh yeah over a week ago I picked up a double cd set called Sci-Fi movie hits. A bunch of songs from sci-fi movies over the years. Many of them not originals. But most still really good. With of course the exception of the dance remix of the Close Encounters theme. Ugh... *shakes head* And it also comes with a bonus dvd of NASA documenteries. Not a bad buy for $3.99 at Dominion. Well it will soon be time for me to go through most of my downloads made in the last few months. Alot of stuf i haven't really looked at yet.

Well thats it for me for now. Ciao.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Stop me if you've heard this one...

Ok well it's been a while, so here goes...

Got some new Nintendo stuf. So here's the breakdown so far: NES: Zelda, Zelda 2, Dragon Warior, Wizardry 2, Dungen Magic, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, Crystalis, Star Tropics, Times of Lore, Godzilla, Clash at Demonhead, Super Mario 3, Mega Man 2, Rescue The Embasy Mission, 8 Eyes, The Krion Conquest, Alien Syndrome, and Ghosts 'N Ghouls; which brings that total to 18. For SNES: Sim City, Star Trek Star Fleet Academy, Drakhen, Breath of Fire, Super Conflict, Dungeon Master, and Populous for a total of 7. So the collection is coming along really good. Recent aquisitions are The Krion Conquest, Ghosts N' Ghouls, and Sim City.

Downloaded Sim City 4 the other day and burned it to cd and installed it today. It seems like a really cool game. Can't wait to spend more time at it again. As you can tell I'm on a sim City kick.

Still need to get caught up on some movies though, so I haven't really seen anything too interesting recently.

Well not much of an update i know but i thought i should post some thing. Later people.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Controll! controll! You must learn controll!

Well here we are i guess. A proper update finally.

So like i said the other night. I finaly got myself a copy of Final Fantasy 12. A truely kick ass game. Posibly the best in the series. The jurry's still out on that one... Awesome so far though... Right now i'm trying to escae from the Dreadnought and have to fight judge Ghis. He's a tough bastard... Haven't figured out how to beat him yet though... I tink it's gonna take some powering up though. We shall see. Keep you posted on this one.

Have logged some time on the NES over the last month or so... Lotsa time playing Dragon Warior. Still a clasic at any rate. Been back into playing Godzilla again recently. Fun as always. Such a kick ass game, a truely ageless classic.

Saw the first two thirds of Hell Boy the other night at steve's. It won the movie loto. Was my pick in fact. Actually the last three picks left were mine :P Wicked! Before that we watched Smoking Aces. A real cool movie. Reminded me of a cross between Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrells and some kind of serious FBI movie. Can't think of any titles though... Still ahve to sit down and watch X2 again though...

Well sadly there is never much for me to say here anymore. I promise i will more to remedy that soon. Latter people.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Boo-Ya! Grandama! Boo-Ya!

Well last nite i picked up finally what may very well be the best video game of all time! Final Fantasy 12! About ten hours in so far. Lovin' it! Storry is awesome so far, and pretty much all aspects of the game system are real cool. Just wanted to let you guys know that i've gotten a step further with my Final Fantasy collection. Will comment further on this game as i advance through it. Oh yeah also picked up Robin Hood Prince of Thieves for the NES which still holds up pretty well for a NES game.

Well keep checkin back here for a proper update. Right now i gotta catch some zzs...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Brasso metal polish - "Cleans and polishes"

Well it's been a while since my last post here. I've been a bit neglect in my intake of pop culture these days which is why it's been a while. Been really busy with other things so i haven't had a lot of time lately. What with my new pet and my studies, and evrything else in my life right now.

The last game i picked up for the NES was Wizardry 2 The Knight of Diamonds. Been having some fun with that one.

Got some movies to watch soon. Still have to watch all of MI 3, and have to get around to rewatching X2. Really enjoyed that one cause it had my favourite character Night Crawler in it.

Haven't really seen much on TV lately that really blew me away.

Well sorry but not much of interest to say this time. Will wait till i have a bit to post again. Later all.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Well today i bought another NES game. Dragon warior. That brings the count to 13.

Been playing Dungeon Magic since two nights ago. Real fun game. Good game play. Challenging and exciting. Decent sound and graphics. Just as compelling as i remember it being. I'm looking forward to getting farther in it than i ever did before. That should be awesome.

Heard about the new robotech today today. Seems like it will be awesome.

Ok real short this time but i was bored so i posted here... Later people.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

It is dangerous to go alone...

Ok well people I now have 12 NES games! Yay!! I've got zelda, zelda II, crystallis, clash at demonhead, star tropics, alien syndrome, godzilla, rescue the embasy mision, times of lore, dungeon magic, faxanadu, and eight eyes. I'd also like to get a loan of super mario 3 and mega man 2 off of Tracy.

Ok well I started cleaning my NES games the other day and they're already working a lot better. Got a long way to go yet before they're all cleaned properly cleaned. I started playing dungeon magic on the old NES tonite. It's alot tougher than i remember it. Still lots of fun though.

I had a look at the other NES machine. Doesn't seem to be working. As far as I can tell it's the conector... If I can replace that I should be able to get that working.

Well not much to say this time. Will probably post again soon.